Understanding debt collection

As collection professionals, we sometimes take it for granted that all the jargon we use is common knowledge.
In some cases, however, definitions are essential.

(Re)Discover all the terms and expressions used in the field of debt collection: the procedures and methods used by a creditor to obtain payment of sums owed to him.


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Fundamentals of debt collection


Mastering this terminology is essential for economic players to effectively manage their outstanding receivables, i.e. the sum total of sales made but not yet paid.

The management of trade receivables is crucial to a company’s cash flow.
A customer who fails to pay an invoice on time can jeopardize the financial health of the creditor company.

In the debt collection sector, terminology is used both in communication between professionals and in legal procedures.
It encompasses legal, accounting and financial concepts, and is essential to a good understanding of collection issues and procedures.