Judicial collection solutions to enforce your rights

Have you exhausted all avenues of amicable collection to no avail?

Don’t let unpaid bills affect your company’s financial health. KREANCIA (formerly SSPCollect) offers legal collection services to enforce your rights as a creditor.

If dialogue is no longer enough, and your reminders remain unanswered, take action with our legal collection solution. As professional debt collectors, we understand the urgency and sensitivity of the situation, so we support you in legal collection actions, from injunctions to pay to enforcement proceedings if necessary.

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recouvrement de créances en Europe

Experts in legal debt collection

The legal approach should not be automatic. It is often lengthy, and the outcome depends largely on the completeness and quality of the file (order form, delivery note, invoice, terms and conditions of sale, formal notice sent by recorded delivery, etc.).

We have put in place several types of action:

Is your debtor refusing to pay?
Here’s how KREANCIA (formerly SSPCollect) can help you!

Our team of legal professionals works closely with your customer-debtor. We are your ally in transforming your receivables into cash through strategic and effective legal collection. Don’t let unpaid debts slow down the engine of your business. Contact KREANCIA today and recover what you’re owed.

Each commissioner of justice rigorously intervenes to issue a summons to pay, the first step in the legal process.

For the most complex cases, KREANCIA takes a further step by initiating a payment injunction with the Commercial Court, or a writ of summons on the merits through a lawyer. These actions enable your claim to be officially recognized and open the way to enforcement measures.

In urgent cases, our teams find appropriate solutions, such as the “référé provision”, a rapid procedure that can lead to a court decision ordering the immediate payment of an advance.

Finally, if all these steps are successful and the debtor persists in his refusal or inability to pay, our bailiffs will initiate a seizure, seizing the debtor’s bank accounts to guarantee your recovery.

recouvrement de créances à l'international les problématiques

What is judicial collection?

Judicial collection gives the creditor the power to force the debtor to settle his debts, as opposed to amicable collection, which depends on the debtor’s “cooperation” and is therefore intrinsically limited.

Judicial collection encompasses various legal procedures, such as injunctions to pay, summonses to pay and provisional injunctions. Through one of these procedures, an enforceable title is obtained, authorizing forced execution against the debtor, including measures such as bank seizure and seizure of movable property, among others.

Clause de réserve de propriété

Check the debtor’s solvency before initiating legal proceedings

Before taking legal action, we systematically check the solvency of your debtors, especially if they are companies.This check is essential, and will enable us to make the right decisions, as enforcement proceedings are not advisable if the solvency index is poor, in order to limit unnecessary costs.

At KREANCIA (ex SSPCollect), we systematically carry out investigations before starting a procedure, and we advise you on the most suitable solution by checking with you the documents needed for the procedure to run smoothly (quotes, invoices, purchase orders, contracts, signed delivery notes, etc.).

tranquilite benefices

THE BENEFITS OF outsourced legal collections

  • Our legal network enables us to operate everywhere, both in mainland France and in the French overseas departments and territories.
  • All legal proceedings are subject to prior legal and financial analysis.
  • Depending on the case, we can file an injunction to pay or take your debtor to court in summary proceedings.
  • If your debtor contests the procedure, our network of lawyers will defend your rights.
  • You have access to a management portal for optimal monitoring of the procedure.


I contact KREANCIA to get started

