Privacy policy


KREANCIA is concerned about the protection of the personal data it processes and is therefore committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of all personal data processed on in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
This Privacy Policy is intended for persons outside KREANCIA with whom it interacts, visitors to this website (hereinafter “you”).
As part of KREANCIA’s commitment to the protection of personal data, KREANCIA informs you in a transparent manner:

  • General principles regarding the protection of personal data that KREANCIA undertakes to respect;
  • The purposes of data processing;
  • The legal basis for processing the data ;
  • Categories of personal data processed by KREANCIA;
  • Security measures taken on this data ;
  • Your rights regarding your data;
  • The site’s cookie policy.

This privacy policy completes the legal notice which you can consult at the following address:


KREANCIA is committed to respecting the following principles when processing personal data: Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: Data may only be collected and processed if there is a legal basis justifying the processing of the data.
Whenever personal data is collected, you will be informed that your data is being collected, and for what purpose.
Limited purposes : Data processing is carried out to meet one or more of the purposes set out in this privacy policy.
Minimization of data processing: Only the data necessary for the proper execution of the objectives pursued will be processed.
Conservation of data reduced in time: Data processed by KREANCIA is conserved for a limited period of time.
Integrity and confidentiality of data collected and processed: KREANCIA undertakes to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the data it processes.


KREANCIA collects and processes your personal data via its website for the following purposes:

  • Collecting unpaid debts;
  • Managing commercial prospecting ;
  • Newsletter subscription management ;
  • Application and recruitment management ;
  • Management of requests received via the various contact forms.



KREANCIA only processes personal data for which it has a legal basis.
The legal basis includes :

  • The consent of the data subject to the processing of his/her data, when the latter has given his/her consent to the processing of the data;
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;
  • KREANCIA’s legitimate interest.



The categories of data processed vary according to the use made of the data by KREANCIA.
In the context of the collection of unpaid debts via the Payment Area, the data processed is as follows: Surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, amount of unpaid debt, bank details at the time of payment.
This processing is necessary for the debtor to pay his debt.
The recipients of the data are KREANCIA employees.
This personal data is kept for the duration of the debt collection procedure.
As part of the management of commercial prospecting, the following data is processed: Surname, first name, company name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, position held, data relating to prospecting activities carried out.
This processing is necessary for the execution of measures prior to the conclusion of a contract with a prospect.
The recipients of the data are KREANCIA employees, in particular the sales department.
This personal data is kept for three (3) years from the last contact with the prospect.
In the context of newsletter subscription management, the following data is processed: Last name, first name, telephone number, e-mail address and company name.
This processing is necessary for sending the newsletter.
The recipients of the data are KREANCIA employees, in particular the marketing department.
This personal data is kept for as long as the person concerned does not unsubscribe via the unsubscribe link integrated into the newsletters.
In the context of application and recruitment management, the following data is processed: Surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, current position, level of experience, field of activity and, in general, all personal data contained in the documents sent by the potential candidate.
This processing is necessary for the recruitment of candidates.
The recipients of the data are KREANCIA employees, in particular the human resources department.
This personal data is kept for the duration of the recruitment procedure.
The data of unsuccessful candidates is deleted at the end of the recruitment process.
As part of the management of requests received via the various contact forms, the personal data processed is as follows: Surname, first name, company name, e-mail address, telephone number and, in general, all personal data contained in the body of the message sent by the Internet user to KREANCIA.
This processing is necessary in order to provide a response to the Internet user contacting KREANCIA.
The recipients of the data are KREANCIA employees.
This data is kept for the time necessary to process the Internet user’s request.


KREANCIA is the sole owner of the information collected on its website.
It does not sell, exchange or transfer any personally identifiable data to third parties.
The planned processing is not intended to transfer the data concerned outside the European Union.
However, should this occur, KREANCIA undertakes to put in place binding legal mechanisms with its service providers and partners to preserve the security and confidentiality of the data processed.


KREANCIA implements all security measures required to ensure the security and confidentiality of processed data.
Employees of KREANCIA and its affiliates are required to respect the confidentiality of the personal data they process.


In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which entered into force on May 25, 2018, (hereinafter the “RGPD”), every person has the right to oppose, query, access, rectify and delete personal information concerning him or her.
To exercise the various rights mentioned or for any other request relating to the processing of your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer:

  • or by e-mail:
  • or by post to the following address: KREANCIA – Personal data

23 rue de La Haye 67300 Schiltigheim   KREANCIA undertakes to reply to your requests within fifteen (15) working days following receipt of your request.
To this end, KREANCIA may ask you for additional information or documents.
In exceptional situations, if a reply cannot be given within fifteen working days for reasons beyond KREANCIA’s control, a holding reply will be sent to you clearly stating the additional time required to reply to the complaint and specifying the final date on which the payment service user will receive a definitive reply.
In the event of a non-response or unsatisfactory reply, you may contact the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés at the following address:


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file placed on your computer by the website you visit.
This file does not allow you to be identified, but records information about your browsing on the website.
The browser you use stores cookies for a limited time.

What are the objectives pursued by KREANCIA on its website?

Browsing this website may cause cookies to be installed on your device (computer, tablet, telephone, etc.).
The use of cookies by KREANCIA enables us to understand how you accessed the website, how and for how long you browse the website and, finally, how to improve your experience.

Which cookies are likely to be deposited on the user’s device when browsing the website?

  • cookie_notice_accepted: Used to accept the pop-in associated with cookies when a user browses the site for the first time (kept for 13 days).
  • _ga: Used to analyze browsing habits, flow, source and other information.
    (retained for 13 months) ;
  • _gid: Used to analyze visitor browsing habits, flow, source and other information.
    (kept for 1 day);
  • _ga_gtag_UA_*: Used to analyze server query rates (kept for 1 day);
  • _ga_*: Used to store and count page views (kept for 1 year).


Tracking and audience measurement without consent

We use the Matomo audience measurement tool to track your browsing habits on the website.
This tool enables us to track pages and sessions on the site in a totally anonymous way.
You may refuse to have your browsing habits tracked on this website.
This will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning about your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users. You are not excluded.
Uncheck this box to exclude yourself.

How can you express your choices concerning cookies?

On your first visit to our website, you can accept or refuse to accept cookies.
You can refuse the storage of cookies by configuring your browser accordingly on your first visit or at any time, free of charge.
If you do so, you may not be able to use all of the website’s functions.
Your consent to the use of cookies is valid for thirteen (13) months.
At the end of this period, your consent will again be required.
In addition, you can prevent the collection of data generated by cookies and linked to your use of the website by Google, as well as the processing of your data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following address: https: //